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10 Essential Tips and Tricks for Improving Your League of Legends Gameplay

This article is presented by Gamer Sensei. Boost your rank with the help of a professional League of Legends coach. Check out Gamer Sensei.

League of Legends is a fun game with unique gameplay, great visuals, and sound effects. But for new players, it can be challenging to learn. Well-designed games have many details, which can make the learning curve seem high. Here are 10 tips and tricks to help new players improve their League experience.

Unlock the Camera

When you first start playing, you’ll notice the camera follows your character. You can unlock the camera by pressing the “Y” button or accessing the in-game settings. Unlocking the camera allows you to pan around the map, see your teammates’ actions, and be aware of enemy movements. This is the first step to improving map awareness.

Look at the Minimap

Focusing on your champion is important, but to improve, you need to regularly look at the minimap. It shows you what your team and the enemy team are doing. Good players understand the importance of map awareness and can do other things while keeping an eye on the minimap. Look at the map as often as possible to stay informed.


If you see something on the map that you want to communicate to your team, use pings. Pinging alerts your team to important information quickly. Use the different types of pings to indicate enemies, objectives, map movements, wards, and more. Use pings strategically to coordinate with your team and improve communication.


In-game chat can sometimes be toxic, with players blaming each other for mistakes. If you encounter this, use the mute feature. Type “/mute” or “/ignore” followed by the player’s name to block their chat or chat and pings. Muting toxic players allows you to focus on the game and avoid negativity.

Quick Cast

Quick Cast allows you to cast spells faster by skipping the click. Enable Quick Cast in the game settings menu and practice using it for most of your abilities. It saves time and improves your reaction speed.

Attack Move (Click)

Using attack move allows your champion to move and attack without relying solely on right-clicking. This is especially useful for kiting. Change your game settings to use attack move with a left-click to make it more efficient.

Pay Attention to Minions

Mastering last-hitting minions is crucial for success in League. Pay attention to minion health bars and attack patterns to improve your last-hitting skills. Advanced players can even manipulate minion waves to gain an advantage over their opponents.

Ignore Epic Monsters

As a beginner, it’s best to focus on other aspects of the game and ignore epic monsters like Dragon and Baron. These monsters are challenging to defeat and require coordinated team play. Instead, focus on objectives you can accomplish more easily, like destroying turrets.

Buy Wards and Use Them

Wards provide vision on the map and allow you to track enemy movements. Make sure to use Warding Totems or Sightstones to place wards strategically. Constantly placing wards and working with your team to have vision control is crucial for success.

Don’t Worry About Wins and Losses

It’s normal to lose games, especially when you’re a beginner. Focus on improving your individual play instead of worrying about your win-loss record. Learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities to grow.

Bonus: Play with Friends!

Playing with friends or teammates you trust can improve your overall experience. Use voice chat apps like Discord or Skype to communicate and coordinate with your friends while playing. Collaborative gameplay is an essential part of League of Legends.

Remember, League of Legends is about having fun! Enjoy the game and keep practicing to improve your skills.

[ League of Legends, tips and tricks, gameplay, camera, minimap, pings, mute, quick cast, attack move, last-hitting, epic monsters, wards, wins and losses, play with friends]