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Gamecity Hamburg Prototype Funding 2024: Hamburg invests in five digital game prototypes.

The Gamecity Hamburg Prototype Funding Round

Gamecity Hamburg is supporting five game projects in the 2024 funding round with up to 80,000 euros in non-repayable funds. This funding aims to help start-ups in Hamburg develop prototypes of digital games. The awarding committee sees high market potential for all the funded projects.

Two of the funding recipients have previously completed the Gamecity Hamburg Games Lift Incubator. Game developers can apply for the Games Lift Incubator Program 2024 until June 10 through

Acknowledging Quality and Diversity

The awarding committee acknowledged the high quality and diversity of the 29 projects submitted in 2024. Since 2020, a total of 31 prototypes have been supported through Prototype Funding. The next funding round application phase will start in spring 2025.

Comments from Dennis Schoubye

Dennis Schoubye, the Head of Gamecity Hamburg and a member of the awarding committee, commented on the applications’ quality, making the committee’s decision challenging. The funding is pleased to support teams that will enrich the diversity of games and teams from Hamburg.

Details of the 2024 Funded Projects

  • Chaos Royale by Monodot – €80,000
  • Map Map – A Game About Maps by Pipapo Games – €80,000
  • The Regreening by Positive Impact Games – €80,000
  • A Most Honorable Bunch by Osmotic Studios – €72,000
  • Melodies by Behind the Stone – €60,000

Each of these projects brings a unique gaming experience to the table, showcasing innovation and creativity in the gaming industry.

The 2024 funding recipients were carefully selected by an awarding committee consisting of industry experts from Hamburg. Prototype Funding and the Games Lift Incubator continue to support game developers and start-ups in their journey to create successful digital games.

For more information on Prototype Funding in Hamburg and future funding opportunities, visit The next application phase for prototype funding will begin in spring 2025.

Gamecity Hamburg remains dedicated to supporting the growth and development of the gaming industry in Hamburg, providing resources, funding, and mentorship opportunities for game developers and start-ups.