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Rocket League causes player backlash by shutting down item-trading feature

Rocket League to Remove Player-to-Player Cosmetic Trading Feature

In a surprising and controversial move, developer Psyonix has announced that the player-to-player cosmetic trading feature will be removed from Rocket League within the next two months. This decision, which has been forced by Epic Games, has been met with frustration and anger from the game’s player base.

Changes to Take Effect on December 5

The feature will officially be removed on December 5, coinciding with the launch of season 13. After this date, players will no longer be able to trade items with each other. Instead, they will have to either participate in in-game events to earn new items or purchase them directly. Psyonix stated in its official announcement that this change aligns with Epic’s approach to cosmetics and item shop policies, where items are not tradable, transferrable, or sellable.

Reactions and Impact on the Community

The removal of this long-standing feature has sparked an overwhelmingly negative response from the Rocket League community. Pro players, content creators, and professional organizations have expressed shock and disappointment regarding this decision. Former player/coach and current content creator Treyven “Lethamyr” Robitaille even went as far as to state on Twitter that he could run the game better than those making these decisions, emphasizing his frustration and disappointment.

This change will also have a significant impact on third-party Rocket League marketplace sites that rely on the in-game player trading feature to facilitate item transactions. These sites will essentially be rendered useless, potentially disrupting the trading economy that has developed around the game.


With the removal of the player-to-player cosmetic trading feature, Rocket League players will no longer have the option to trade items with each other. This decision has garnered strong backlash from the community and may have far-reaching implications for the game’s economy and trading ecosystem.

Rocket League, player-to-player trading, cosmetic trading, Psyonix, Epic Games, in-game events, item shop policies, negative reception, community backlash, third-party marketplace sites