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Rocket League achieves an impressive milestone, attracting nearly 500,000 players across all platforms.

Rocket League Sets New Player Record, Entering Top 10 Games on Steam

The popular game Rocket League has achieved a new milestone, surpassing its previous highest player count and reaching nearly 500,000 users. This spike in player numbers has propelled Rocket League into the top 10 games being played on Steam currently. Steam continues to experience an average of 18 million users per day during the coronavirus pandemic.

Player Count on Steam Peaks at 119,124

On Steam alone, Rocket League’s player count has hit a peak of 119,124, representing a growth of almost nine percent over the past month. The game has maintained a player base of over 30,000 average users every month since September 2016, with only two instances of dropping below the 30,000 mark after surpassing that milestone.

Growth in Players and Previous Peaks

Rocket League has seen a significant increase in players since December, with an average of just under 40,000 players, marking a 22 percent growth for the month. In 2020, the game has consistently maintained over 40,000 players on Steam, leading up to its new peak player count.

The previous highest point for Rocket League was in April 2016, when it reached 102,684 players. However, it experienced a sharp decline the following month, with a peak of only 58,210 players.

Increased Engagement Due to Social Distancing

These player numbers specifically apply to Steam, but data from SteamCharts suggests that Rocket League will continue to experience growth as more people are spending time at home during the period of social distancing.

Corey Davis, the SVP of game development for Rocket League, mentioned that across all platforms, the game came close to reaching 500,000 players. This figure includes players on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The “Players Online” tracker in the playlist menu on PC reflects this total number.

During the peak on Steam, Rocket League had 485,197 active players, engaging in various forms of gameplay such as launching the game, searching for a match, or competing.

While it’s unlikely that Rocket League will surpass games like GTA V and Rainbow Six Siege to move higher on the Steam rankings, reaching the top 10 is a positive sign for the game’s future.

Rocket League, player count, Steam, highest peak, top 10 games, growth, social distancing, player numbers, gaming platform