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Mastering the Flip Reset Technique in Rocket League

Mastering the Flip Reset in Rocket League

Rocket League offers players a variety of moves to score goals, and one of the most effective and flashy moves is the flip reset. It requires practice and skill, but once mastered, it can elevate your game.

What is a Flip Reset?

The flip reset is a mechanic in Rocket League in which you aim to score a goal while your Battle-Car is in midair. To execute a flip reset, all four wheels of your car must touch the ball, pushing it towards the goal. It may sound simple, but it requires practice to consistently achieve.

The Basics of the Flip Reset

To perform a flip reset, you need to learn the proper setup. Push the ball towards the wall and line up your boost to launch into the air. It’s crucial to have enough space to hit the ball with the right momentum.

Finding the right force to hit the ball is key. Hitting it too hard can make it difficult to catch up, while hitting it too weakly won’t set up the flip reset. Patience and practice are essential to get this part right.

Executing the Flip

Once you’ve set up the shot, your car’s wheels must all touch the ball. Maintain your momentum in the air by jumping, boosting, and air rolling. This will allow you to stay airborne and catch up to the ball as it rises.

As the ball reaches its peak and starts to descend, position your car to make contact with all four wheels. This collision between your Battle-Car and the ball’s downward momentum sets up the goal. Aim for the bottom right part of the ball to ensure power and direction.

The Post Setup and Timing

Scoring a goal isn’t just about the initial touch. With the flip reset, you have options for the final hit. You can either delay it by jumping, boosting, and air rolling more, or kick it towards the goal immediately with the flip. The second option is riskier but easier for beginners. However, strategic delays can make your flip reset goal more consistent.

Timing is crucial. You can’t attempt a flip reset whenever you want. Consider factors like the opponent’s defense, as they may anticipate your move and double-team you. If they react quickly, be prepared to explore alternative options like passing to a teammate or setting up another flip.

Practice Makes Perfect

If you want to improve your flip reset skills, try using the training pack with the code 1F27-4030-7FDE-B4D5. It will help you train and master the right timing, power, and delays needed for efficient goals. However, the best test is in real matches, so practice in free play and eventually attempt it in ranked matches.

Remember, don’t rush and take your time to confidently execute a flip reset in Rocket League. Once you do, it’s time to shine!