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Mastering Air Rolling in Rocket League Sideswipe

Rocket League Sideswipe: Mastering the Air Roll Mechanic on Mobile

The start of season three for Rocket League Sideswipe has brought in a wave of new players. Many are exploring this relatively new mobile game, but it’s important to note that playing Rocket League on a controller doesn’t directly translate to Sideswipe’s controls.

One key difference between the two titles is the air roll mechanic. In Rocket League, air rolling is crucial for maneuvering your car mid-air, hitting the ball in different ways, and adjusting your landing. Similarly, in Sideswipe, players need to utilize air rolling mechanics to enhance their movement and recovery options. In this guide, we’ll dive into how to air roll in the mobile version of this popular car soccer game to set up some epic plays.

How to Air Roll in Rocket League Sideswipe

In Rocket League, players have various controller options to choose from. However, Sideswipe has a more limited setup, with all controls confined to the small touchscreen. The layout is simple, featuring a joystick, a jump button, and an optional boost jump combo button that can be adjusted in the settings.

To air roll in Sideswipe, players must double-tap and hold the joystick in a specific direction. This will initiate a clockwise spin for the car, which will continue until the joystick is released. This differs from Rocket League, where players can bind air roll to a preferred key and even have separate keys for automatically air rolling left or right.

Mastering the air roll technique in Sideswipe opens up a world of gameplay possibilities for players. However, it takes a combination of all the game’s intense mechanics to truly excel and compete against the best.

Rocket League Sideswipe is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Rocket League Sideswipe, mobile game, air roll mechanic, controls, joystick, gameplay, mechanics, iOS, Android