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How to Obtain Leather in Palworld

How to Obtain Leather in Palworld

Palworld is a captivating and immersive video game that offers players a one-of-a-kind experience. While playing, one of the essential resources you’ll need to accumulate is leather. Leather has various uses in Palworld, from crafting items to enhancing your gameplay. In this guide, we’ll inform you about the best methods to obtain leather and how you can maximize your resource gathering.

Hunting Wild Animals

A primary way to acquire leather in Palworld is by hunting wild animals throughout the game. You’ll come across a variety of creatures, each holding potential leather resources. By engaging in combat with these animals, you have the opportunity to receive leather drops upon their defeat. Stay vigilant and be prepared for challenging encounters as you explore the vast world of Palworld. Remember that the stronger the animal, the higher the chance of obtaining more leather.

Fishing for Leather

Another method to secure leather in Palworld is through fishing. Grab your fishing rod and find a body of water to cast your line. Certain aquatic creatures in Palworld, like the aquatic boars, provide valuable leather resources upon being caught. As you improve your fishing skills, you’ll unlock new areas with unique fish species that carry coveted leather drops. So, maintain patience, refine your fishing techniques, and boost your leather collection.

Trade with Fellow Players

Engaging in trading with fellow players is a viable option to obtain leather in Palworld. By establishing connections and building a network within the game’s community, you can negotiate trades for leather resources. Leverage your own strengths and available items to strike favorable deals with other players. Trading not only helps you obtain leather efficiently but also promotes a sense of unity and cooperation among Palworld’s players.


Leather is a crucial resource in Palworld that greatly enhances your progress and gameplay. Whether it’s hunting mighty creatures, fishing in serene waters, or participating in player-to-player trades, there are several avenues to gather leather. Stay persistent, adapt your strategies, and make the most of these methods to amass a substantial leather collection in Palworld. Remember, leather opens up a world of possibilities in this captivating game.