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How to Locate and Capture Arsox in Palworld

How to Find and Catch Arsox in Palworld

Looking to add the elusive Arsox to your collection in Palworld? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about finding and catching Arsox, one of the rarest creatures in the game.

1. Explore different biomes

Arsox can be found in various biomes within Palworld. To increase your chances of encountering one, make sure to explore different environments such as forests, grasslands, and mountains. Each biome offers a unique opportunity to discover this extraordinary creature.

2. Pay attention to the time of day

Timing is crucial when it comes to catching Arsox. This creature is most active during the evening and nighttime, so keep an eye out for it during those hours. Be patient and persistent, as spotting an Arsox may require some luck and timing.

3. Use bait and traps

Arsox can be quite sneaky and difficult to catch. To increase your chances, consider using bait and traps specifically designed for this creature. These items can be obtained from the in-game store or through crafting. Set up your trap in areas where Arsox is likely to roam, and use bait to lure it closer.

4. Approach with caution

When you finally spot an Arsox, approach it slowly and carefully. Sudden movements or loud noises may scare it away. Keep in mind that Arsox is a timid creature, and any aggressive actions might cause it to flee. Stay calm, take your time, and position yourself strategically to make a successful catch.

In conclusion

Finding and catching Arsox in Palworld requires patience, strategy, and a bit of luck. Explore different biomes, pay attention to the time of day, use bait and traps, and approach with caution. With these tips in mind, you’ll be one step closer to adding this rare and fascinating creature to your collection. Happy hunting!