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How to Breed Vanwyrm in Palworld

How to Breed Vanwyrm in Palworld

Palworld is a popular game that allows players to breed and take care of magical creatures known as Pals. Among these Pals is the powerful Vanwyrm, a dragon-like creature with incredible abilities. In this guide, we’ll show you how to successfully breed a Vanwyrm in Palworld.

Step 1: Obtain the Required Pals

To breed a Vanwyrm, you’ll need two specific Pals: a Dragon Pal and a Wyrm Pal. The Dragon Pal can be obtained by completing quests or purchasing it from in-game vendors. The Wyrm Pal, on the other hand, can only be found in certain areas or obtained through trading with other players. Once you have both of these Pals, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Place Pals in Breeding Ground

Next, you’ll need to place both the Dragon Pal and the Wyrm Pal in the breeding ground. This can be done by interacting with the breeding center in the game. Once you’ve successfully placed the Pals in the breeding ground, a breeding process will begin.

Step 3: Wait and Hatch

Now it’s time to wait for the breeding process to complete. The time it takes for a Vanwyrm to hatch can vary, but it usually takes a few in-game days. During this time, make sure to take good care of the Pals and provide them with the necessary resources to keep them healthy and strong. Once the hatching process is complete, you’ll have your very own Vanwyrm!


Breeding a Vanwyrm in Palworld is an exciting and rewarding experience. By following these steps and obtaining the required Pals, you can add this powerful creature to your collection. Remember to take good care of your Pals throughout the breeding process and enjoy the wonders of Palworld!