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How to Acquire and Utilize Foxpark’s Flamethrower in Palworld

How to Obtain and Utilize Foxpark’s Flamethrower in Palworld

Getting your hands on Foxpark’s Flamethrower in Palworld is a thrilling prospect. This guide will teach you how to acquire and effectively use this fiery weapon in the game.

Acquiring Foxpark’s Flamethrower

To obtain Foxpark’s Flamethrower, players must undertake a specific questline. Begin by accepting the quest “Flame on!” from the NPC Foxpark, who can be found near the entrance of the Palworld Forest. This quest will lead you on a thrilling adventure that rewards you with the coveted flamethrower upon completion.

Completing the Quest

Once you have accepted the quest, you will be tasked with various challenges. Many of these challenges revolve around battling different types of Palmons, the creatures that inhabit the Palworld Forest. Defeating these Palmons will earn you experience points and help you progress through the questline.

As you progress, you will also encounter mini-games and puzzles that require problem-solving skills. These activities bring an additional element of engagement to the questline, making it even more exciting.

Using Foxpark’s Flamethrower

After successfully completing the questline and obtaining Foxpark’s Flamethrower, it’s time to unleash its fiery power. The flamethrower is an excellent tool for combating fire-resistant Palmons and other enemies.

To use the flamethrower in Palworld, equip it from your inventory and aim at your target. The flamethrower’s devastating flames will quickly engulf your enemies, dealing significant damage over time.

Remember to use the flamethrower strategically. It has a limited amount of fuel, so use it wisely. Plan your attacks and conserve its usage for more challenging battles.


By following this guide, you can obtain and effectively use Foxpark’s Flamethrower in Palworld. Use it to your advantage, unleashing fiery chaos and emerging victorious in your battles. Good luck on your quest!