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Guide: How to Locate and Capture Suzaku in Palworld

How to Find and Catch Suzaku in Palworld

Palworld is a popular game where players can catch and train creatures known as Pals. One of the rare and highly sought-after Pals in Palworld is Suzaku. This guide will walk you through the steps to find and catch Suzaku.

1. Explore High-Elevation Areas

To increase your chances of encountering Suzaku, explore high-elevation areas within the game world. Suzaku is more likely to be found in mountainous regions or elevated terrains. So, focus your exploration efforts on these areas to increase your chances of finding this elusive Pal.

2. Pay Attention to Weather Conditions

Keep an eye on the weather conditions within the game. Suzaku is known to be more active during certain weather patterns, such as sunny days or clear skies. Utilize in-game weather forecasts or indicators to plan your hunting expeditions for optimal conditions.

3. Use Lure Items

Lure items can significantly improve your chances of attracting Suzaku. These special items can be obtained through in-game quests, achievements, or by purchasing them from the in-game market. Use these lures strategically in areas where Suzaku is likely to appear to increase the probability of encountering and catching it.

4. Employ Stealth Tactics

Suzaku is a cautious and skittish creature, making it quite challenging to catch. To increase your chance of success, employ stealth tactics during your approach. Move slowly and quietly, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises that may startle Suzaku. This will help you get closer without alarming it and improve your chances of successfully capturing it.

Remember, finding and catching Suzaku in Palworld is no easy feat. It requires patience, strategic planning, and a bit of luck. But with the help of these tips, you’ll be well on your way to adding this rare and majestic Pal to your collection. Good luck, and happy hunting!