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Guide: How to Breed Foxcicle in Palworld

How to Breed Foxcicle in Palworld

If you’re an avid player of Palworld, you may be wondering how to breed the highly sought-after Foxcicle creature. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully breed a Foxcicle in Palworld.

Step 1: Obtain the necessary items

Before you can begin breeding a Foxcicle, you’ll need to gather some essential items. Make sure you have enough Twigs, Snowflakes, and Foxcicle Feed. These items can be obtained by exploring the game world, completing quests, or purchasing them from other players.

Twigs can be found by foraging in the forest, Snowflakes are scattered throughout the snowy regions, and Foxcicle Feed can be purchased from the in-game shop.

Step 2: Locate a Nesting Spot

The next step is to find a suitable nesting spot for your Foxcicle breeding. Look for areas with icy terrain or snowy landscapes. These environments are preferred by Foxcicles for breeding.

Step 3: Place the necessary items

Once you’ve found the perfect nesting spot, select the Twigs, Snowflakes, and Foxcicle Feed from your inventory. Place these items around the nesting spot to attract the Foxcicles.

Ensure that the items are arranged in a visually appealing way to increase your chances of attracting Foxcicles. The more attractive the nesting spot, the higher the likelihood of successful breeding.

Step 4: Wait for the Foxcicles to breed

After setting up the nesting spot, it’s time to be patient. Foxcicles will be attracted to the area if you’ve set up the items correctly. They will soon start breeding and nesting in the spot you created.

Keep an eye on the nests and wait for them to hatch. It may take some time, so try to take care of other tasks in the game or explore new areas while you wait.

Step 5: Collect the Foxcicle offspring

Once the nests have hatched, you’ll be rewarded with adorable Foxcicle offspring. Collect them and add them to your inventory or transfer them to your ranch for further care and breeding.

Remember to provide the necessary food and shelter for the Foxcicle offspring to ensure their growth and well-being.


Breeding a Foxcicle in Palworld can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By following these steps and being patient, you’ll be able to successfully breed this coveted creature. Good luck on your Palworld breeding adventures!

Foxcicle image