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Best Friends in Palworld

The Top Ground Pals in Palworld

Palworld, the highly popular monster-collecting game, offers a wide variety of adorable creatures known as Pals for players to collect and raise. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best ground-type Pals in Palworld.

1. Ground Pal Image
The Palworld game features ground Pals that belong to the Earth type. These Pals possess unique abilities and characteristics that make them invaluable assets in battles and everyday tasks.

2. Geomoose
One notable ground Pal in Palworld is the Geomoose. This charming creature combines the strength of a moose with the earth element. Its sturdy build and powerful antlers allow it to charge and trample enemies, making it a formidable opponent in battles.

3. Boulder Bear
Another impressive ground Pal is the Boulder Bear. With its massive size and rock-hard muscles, this Pal can smash through obstacles and even use its weight to deal heavy damage to opponents. Its resilience and brute force make it an excellent choice for both defense and offense.

4. Sandspurrow
Among the ground Pals, the Sandspurrow stands out for its swift agility and keen senses. This Pal can dig underground and navigate through tunnels with extraordinary speed. It excels at scouting and tracking, making it an essential companion for adventurers and treasure hunters.

5. Thorny Tortoise
The Thorny Tortoise is a ground Pal famous for its tough exterior and lethal spikes. With its impenetrable shell, it can shield its allies from harm and retaliate against attackers. This Pal excels at defense and is highly valued for its protective nature.

In conclusion, Palworld offers a diverse range of ground Pals with unique abilities that can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. Whether you need a powerful attacker, a defensive wall, or a nimble scout, these ground-type Pals have got you covered. Start collecting and training them today to build the ultimate Pal team!