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How to Collect All Samples in Helldivers 2

How to Collect All Samples in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the popular cooperative twin-stick shooter game, offers players a thrilling experience as they battle hordes of enemies. One important aspect of the game is collecting samples, which can provide various bonuses and rewards. In this article, we will guide you on how to collect all the samples in Helldivers 2.

1. Explore Thoroughly

To collect all the samples in Helldivers 2, it’s essential to explore the game world thoroughly. The samples are scattered across different locations, and you will need to search every nook and cranny to find them. Keep an eye out for hidden corners, underground tunnels, and high platforms where samples might be hidden.

2. Utilize Weapons and Equipment

Equip yourself with the right weapons and equipment to aid in your sample collection journey. Some samples might be guarded or located in hard-to-reach areas, so having the appropriate tools at your disposal will make things easier. Consider using explosives to break barriers or deploy a jetpack to reach higher platforms.

3. Coordinate with Your Team

Helldivers 2 is designed to be played cooperatively, so teamwork is crucial. Coordinate with your teammates to cover more ground and increase your chances of finding all the samples. Communicate effectively and divide tasks among yourselves to make the search more efficient.

4. Prioritize Objectives

While collecting samples is important, it’s crucial not to lose sight of the main objectives in the game. Don’t get too caught up in searching for samples that you neglect your primary mission. Strike a balance between sample collection and completing objectives to ensure progress in the game.

In conclusion, collecting all the samples in Helldivers 2 can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By thoroughly exploring the game world, utilizing appropriate weapons and equipment, coordinating with your team, and prioritizing objectives, you can increase your chances of successfully collecting all the samples. Good luck and enjoy your Helldivers 2 adventure!