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Top 5 Unwanted Features in GTA 6 that Fans Hope to Avoid

The long-awaited GTA 6 is finally coming, and while fans are excited, there are also some features they don’t want to see in the game.

Rockstar Games’ reputation for creating amazing games was tarnished by the GTA: The Trilogy launch on PC. However, gamers still hold a special place for the GTA series in their hearts.

GTA 5 has stood the test of time since its release in 2013, but there are certain features that fans want Rockstar to reconsider before adding them to GTA 6.

Online achievements

I enjoy playing GTA games and earning platinum trophies, but the achievements in GTA games have become increasingly difficult to complete. Online achievements have made it challenging for casual players like me. I hope Rockstar can make them easier or remove them completely in GTA 6.

Buildings that look interactive but aren’t

Many players have approached buildings in GTA 5 thinking they could enter, only to be disappointed. While it’s impressive to see the level of detail in the game, having more explorable structures would enhance the experience. I’d love to see more interior details in GTA 6.

The stealth walk instead of crouching

An image of three characters from GTA 5
Crouching helps with taking cover too. Image via Rockstar Games

The stealth walk in GTA 5 doesn’t feel right, especially compared to the classic crouching mechanics in GTA: San Andreas. I’d prefer to have the old crouching physics back instead of the stealth walk in GTA 6.

Cop mechanics

The cop mechanics in GTA 5 feel unpolished given the size of the game. Police chases often end in an anticlimactic way, and they lack diversity. In GTA 6, I’d like to see improved cop mechanics and more varied pursuits, including the option to get arrested instead of being sent to the hospital.

The shooting mechanics

GTA 5 shooting range.
Some innovation in shooting would be nice. Screengrab via Rockstar Games

The shooting mechanics in GTA 5 are solid, but there haven’t been any significant changes in a long time. Considering the time gap between GTA 5 and GTA 6, it would be great to see some improvements. Whether it’s quality-of-life upgrades or a complete revamp, a different gun-play experience would be welcomed in GTA 6.