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Players of Grand Theft Auto discover the ultimate theory behind an invincible NPC

The Unkillable NPC in GTA Online: Explained

In GTA Online, players have been encountering an NPC that seems invulnerable to attacks. Despite numerous attempts to eliminate this character, they remain unfazed. On October 9th, a community member proposed a plausible explanation for this bug.

This non-playable character appears during random robberies in GTA Online. Recently, a player on Reddit shared their encounter with this character, and despite being run over multiple times, the NPC refused to die. The only way the player was able to kill the robber was by using their gun multiple times.

While some may assume that this unkillable NPC was intentionally designed that way, a Reddit user provided a more likely explanation along with tips on dealing with them effectively.

According to the Redditor, the NPC remains impervious to attacks until they draw their gun. The player who shared the footage was only able to eliminate the NPC once they brandished their weapon.

Although I personally have not encountered this bug during single-player mode, I have come across this NPC multiple times in GTA Online. Previously, I assumed that the bug occurred due to the server not registering my shots accurately. However, after considering this theory, I realized that every time I successfully killed the NPC was after they had drawn their weapon, just as the Redditor suggested.

Encountering bugs like this in GTA Online can be frustrating. Fortunately, there is hope that Rockstar Games will address these issues in GTA 6. Recently, Rockstar announced a partnership with, the team behind the popular RP client FiveM, which potentially paves the way for official RP servers in the future.