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#BanGTA6 is a trending topic: A message to parents about its inappropriate content for children

“GTA 6: Not for Kids, Despite Controversy”

Once again, critics are calling for the ban of another Grand Theft Auto game. Some people are outraged by the presence of scantily clad women in a game that they think is meant for kids. But here’s the truth: GTA is not for kids.

The hashtag #BanGTA6 is trending on Twitter, fueled by complaints from puritanical individuals who are offended by the trailer’s depiction of people in revealing outfits, as well as incels who disapprove of the game’s inclusion of a female protagonist. While I can’t address the concerns of incels, I do have a message for parents. Games have age ratings for a reason. When GTA 6 is released, it will likely be rated 18+. It is not suitable for children. I understand that your kids may want to play it, but consider this: they may also want to eat chocolate cake for breakfast, and you wouldn’t let them do that. So, don’t buy them this game. It’s as simple as that.

Cheeta Car in white in GTA 6
Kids can’t drive. Should we ban cars next? Screenshot by

I know your kids will complain and beg, and throw tantrums, but as a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach them what is appropriate and what isn’t. It’s not the duty of every adult in the world to ensure that every piece of media is suitable for children. While children are the future, shouldn’t that future include films and games that they can appreciate with their developed minds?

Interestingly, if you search the hashtag now, you’ll find that most of the posts are either criticizing those who want to ban the game or using it for self-promotion. So, the hashtag is essentially useless. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since the last GTA game, and yet people are still outraged by this series.