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Which Character Should You Pull for in Genshin Impact: Yelan or Hu Tao?

Should You Pull for Yelan or Hu Tao in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact continues to captivate players with its expansive world and diverse cast of characters. The latest update in the game introduces two new 5-star characters, Yelan and Hu Tao, both of whom offer unique playstyles and abilities. However, with limited resources, players need to decide who to prioritize. In this article, we break down the strengths of both characters to help you make an informed decision.

Yelan: The Pyro Polearm User

Yelan is a 5-star Pyro polearm user with incredible AoE (area of effect) damage potential. Her Elemental Skill, “Transcendence: Balefire,” enables her to deal Pyro damage to nearby enemies and raises her attack damage with every hit. Her Elemental Burst, “Crimson Bouquet,” creates a fiery explosion, dealing massive Pyro damage to surrounding enemies.

One of Yelan’s standout abilities is her passive talent, “Crimson Haze,” which grants the whole party a Pyro damage bonus when an enemy affected by Pyro is defeated. This makes her a valuable addition to any team composition, especially if other characters in your party can trigger Pyro reactions.

Hu Tao: The Pyro Polearm DPS

Hu Tao is another 5-star Pyro polearm user with exceptional DPS potential. Her Elemental Skill, “Guide to Afterlife,” allows her to consume HP to increase her Pyro damage and convert it into a stamina boost. This creates a vicious cycle where Hu Tao’s attacks become stronger as she loses health.

Her Elemental Burst, “Spirit Soother,” calls forth a ghostly panda to inflict Pyro damage on enemies and grants Hu Tao an additional Pyro damage bonus based on her maximum HP. With proper timing and skill management, Hu Tao can unleash devastating bursts of damage on her foes.

Who Should You Choose?

While both characters offer strong Pyro abilities, their playstyles and roles within a team differ. Yelan focuses on AoE damage and provides party-wide buffs, making her an excellent support character in a Pyro-focused team. On the other hand, Hu Tao excels at dealing massive single-target damage and is a strong DPS choice in any team composition.

If you already have a solid team and need a Pyro support character, Yelan is an ideal choice. Her area damage and Pyro damage bonus provide valuable utility to the party. However, if you lack a reliable main DPS character, Hu Tao can fill that role effectively with her high damage potential.

In the end, the decision should be based on your team composition and personal playstyle. It’s essential to consider your existing characters and their roles when making the choice between Yelan and Hu Tao. Choose the character that best complements your team and enhances your overall strategy in Genshin Impact.