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Top support cards in Genius Invokation TCG for Genshin Impact

Best Support Cards in Genius Invokation TCG in Genshin Impact

Genius Invokation TCG is a popular card game within the world of Genshin Impact. This game features a vast array of support cards that can greatly enhance your gameplay. In this article, we will explore some of the best support cards in Genius Invokation TCG and how they can give you an edge in your matches.

1. Elemental Mastery+

The Elemental Mastery+ support card is an essential addition to any deck. By equipping this card, you can significantly boost your Elemental Mastery attribute. This, in turn, enhances the overall power and effectiveness of your elemental skills. With increased Elemental Mastery, your abilities will deal more damage and have a greater impact on the battlefield.

2. Energy Recharge+

Another valuable support card is Energy Recharge+. This card allows you to replenish energy faster, ensuring that your characters can unleash their powerful elemental bursts more frequently. By equipping this card, you will be able to execute devastating combos and overwhelm your opponents with relentless assaults.

3. Healing Boost+

When it comes to survivability, the Healing Boost+ support card is a must-have. This card amplifies the effectiveness of all healing abilities in your deck, providing you with much-needed sustain during intense battles. By equipping this card, you can ensure your team remains healthy and capable of weathering any storm.

4. Damage Reduction+

Lastly, the Damage Reduction+ support card is perfect for those seeking additional protection. By equipping this card, you can diminish the incoming damage from enemy attacks. This card grants you increased resilience, allowing your characters to withstand formidable blows and prolong their presence in the fight.

In conclusion, these support cards serve as invaluable assets when playing Genius Invokation TCG in Genshin Impact. Whether you prioritize boosting your elemental power, energy recharge, healing abilities, or damage reduction, incorporating these cards into your deck will undoubtedly elevate your gameplay. Don’t miss out on the advantages they offer in your journey towards victory!