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Top Nahida Teams in Genshin Impact

Best Nahida Teams in Genshin Impact

Nahida, the Electro bow user in Genshin Impact, has become an increasingly popular character among players. With her powerful elemental abilities and high damage output, many are eager to discover the best teams to pair her with in battles.

1. Nahida + Xingqiu + Bennett + Zhongli

One potent team composition involves pairing Nahida with Xingqiu, Bennett, and Zhongli. This combination offers a well-rounded synergy of Electro and Hydro elemental reactions, as well as strong support and healing abilities. Xingqiu provides Hydro damage and creates elemental reactions with Nahida’s Electro abilities, while Bennett offers healing capabilities and boosts the team’s Attack. Lastly, Zhongli assists with shielding and crowd control, creating a solid defense for the team.

2. Nahida + Fischl + Mona + Diona

Another effective team setup includes Nahida, Fischl, Mona, and Diona. Fischl’s Electro skills complement Nahida’s abilities, enhancing damage output and triggering elemental reactions. Mona further amplifies the damage with her Hydro abilities and provides crowd control. Diona brings Cryo damage to the table and offers healing support, ensuring the team’s sustainability in battles.

3. Nahida + Beidou + Rosaria + Qiqi

For a more aggressive approach, Nahida can be combined with Beidou, Rosaria, and Qiqi. Beidou’s Electro abilities synergize well with Nahida’s elemental attacks, while Rosaria enhances damage output with her Cryo abilities. Qiqi provides additional Cryo damage and healing, making this team composition particularly effective against powerful enemies.

4. Nahida + Keqing + Barbara + Sucrose

A well-balanced team composition involves pairing Nahida with Keqing, Barbara, and Sucrose. Keqing offers Electro damage and fast-paced attacks, which complement Nahida’s playstyle. Barbara serves as the team’s primary healer, while Sucrose adds Anemo damage and crowd control to the mix, enabling the team to handle multiple enemies simultaneously.

In conclusion, Nahida is a versatile character in Genshin Impact who can greatly benefit from team synergies. Experimenting with different combinations of characters will help players unleash her full potential and dominate battles in the game.