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How to Seek Information from Locals in Genshin Impact’s Strange Story in the Konda Quest

How to Get Information from Locals in Genshin Impact’s Strange Story in Konda Quest

Gathering useful information can be crucial in navigating through quests in Genshin Impact, especially in the Strange Story in Konda quest. In this guide, we will provide you with effective tips on how to ask the locals for information in the game.

When embarking on the Strange Story in Konda quest, interacting with the locals is essential. Follow these steps to maximize the information you can gather:

1. Approach the Locals: Look out for NPCs (non-player characters) in the area. They are identified by speech bubbles indicating that they have information to share. Approach them by standing within the interactive range and initiate a conversation by clicking on them.

2. Engage in Dialogue Options: Once you have initiated a conversation with the locals, a dialogue menu will appear. Select dialogue options to progress the conversation and gather information. Pay attention to their responses, as they might offer valuable clues or direct you to other NPCs who can provide additional information.

3. Explore Different Dialogue Paths: NPCs in Genshin Impact often have multiple dialogue paths. Explore different options in the dialogue menu to uncover new information. Some NPCs may only disclose important details after going through specific dialogue paths, so be thorough in your conversations.

4. Exhaust Dialogue Options: Make sure to exhaust all dialogue options with each NPC. Sometimes crucial information is hidden behind secondary dialogue options. By fully exhausting the dialogue menu, you increase your chances of obtaining all the important information required to progress in the quest.

Remember, gathering information from the locals is vital for completing the Strange Story in Konda quest successfully. Utilize the above steps to engage with NPCs effectively and uncover the secrets hidden within the game. Good luck on your Genshin Impact adventure!