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Genshin Impact fans call for resignation of Tignari’s English voice actor amid sexual misconduct allegations

Genshin Impact Fans Demand Tignaris’ English Voice Actor Resignation

Genshin Impact fans are calling for the resignation of Tignaris’ English voice actor. Tignaris is a new character introduced in the game’s latest update.

Rising Controversy

A rising controversy surfaced after players discovered a comment thread on social media made by the voice actor. The thread contained derogatory statements about a specific group of people.

Fans React

Fans quickly reacted to this discovery and expressed their disappointment and anger. Many believe that the voice actor’s comments go against the inclusive values of Genshin Impact and its community.

Call for Resignation

In response to these concerns, fans have started a petition calling for the voice actor’s resignation. They argue that the actor’s comments undermine the game’s commitment to diversity, acceptance, and respect.

The petition has gained significant traction, with thousands of fans signing in support. They hope that the game’s developers will take their concerns seriously and find a suitable replacement for Tignaris’ voice actor.

The controversy highlights the power of community in the gaming industry. Fans have the ability to hold developers and actors accountable for their actions, ensuring that games remain inclusive and reflective of diverse backgrounds and cultures.