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Where to Locate Fortnite’s Season 8, Week 8 Secret Banner

Fortnite: Battle Royale Season Eight Week Eight Challenges Now Available

The challenges for week eight of Fortnite: Battle Royale season eight have been released. These seven new challenges provide players with the opportunity to earn Battle Stars, increase their Battle Pass rank, and unlock the Ruin skin through the Discovery challenges.

New Profile Banner Available for Completing All Eight Weeks of Challenges

In addition to the rewards mentioned above, players who have completed all eight weeks of challenges will also receive a new profile banner for their account. Furthermore, those who accomplish this feat will unlock an exclusive loading screen that contains a hidden item location on the Fortnite island, likely a Banner.

Exclusive Banner Only Accessible to Premium Battle Pass Owners

Please note that only players who own the premium Battle Pass and have completed eight full sets of weekly challenges will be able to view this banner. Simply completing week eight is insufficient. Once the week eight challenges are completed, the banner can be viewed, interacted with, and made available in the player’s Locker in any Fortnite: Battle Royale mode, except Playground.

Hints in Week Eight Loading Screen Point to the Secret Banner Location

The loading screen for week eight displays Ruin in a pit of flames, which contains hints to the secret banner location. The flames on the left indicate coordinates B6 and B7, while the flames on the right indicate coordinates C6 and C7. These coordinates likely correspond to a specific location on the Fortnite map, and the secret banner is most likely hidden at the intersection of these coordinates.

To find the secret banner, head to the hill northwest of the frozen lake in the snow biome and interact with the banner once you are close to it.