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Potential Leak of Fortnite: Battle Royale’s Twitch Prime Pack 3

Fortnite’s Third Twitch Prime Pack Leaked with Archetype Skin and More

A recent leak suggests that the third Twitch Prime Pack for Fortnite: Battle Royale may be arriving soon. The leak, posted by Twitter account Fortrise(n), hints at the release of the Archetype skin, which was previously datamined. Along with the Archetype skin, players can also expect three other cosmetics as part of Twitch Prime Pack 3.

The Archetype outfit skin is part of the Modern Military set, which features a futuristic military gear. Alongside the Archetype skin, players will find three additional cosmetics in the set: the Calipher Pickaxe, the Servo Glider, and the Paradigm Back Bling. These four cosmetics were discovered through datamining Fortnite’s version 5.1 patch. However, their role in the game was only recently revealed.

The release date for the third Twitch Prime Pack is currently unknown. The previous Twitch Prime Pack for Fortnite ended on July 11, meaning players have been unable to claim free loot for almost three weeks now. However, as August approaches, Twitch typically announces new Prime giveaways at the beginning of each month, so players can expect more news in the next few days.

Last week’s datamine also revealed other skins that may be coming to Fortnite. These include a beach-themed Lifeguard set, the Scuba set, the Street Racer set inspired by drag racing, the Wreck Raider scuba diver outfit skin, the Shade outfit skin, and even a shark with a laser attached to its head called Laser Chomp.

While it remains uncertain when these skins will become available, the summer-themed designs suggest that they will likely arrive in Season 5 soon.