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Ninja utilizes the latest Shockwave Grenade to acquire triple loot from a Supply Llama in Fortnite

Fortnite fans discover new strategy for increased loot

Fortnite players have recently learned an exciting new technique in the popular battle royale game. Streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins showcased a move where he used a Shockwave Grenade to propel himself through a Supply Llama, resulting in triple the amount of loot.

Triple the loot with Shockwave Grenades

Normally, Supply Llamas provide players with 200 wood, brick, and steel, along with other valuable items. However, when Ninja used the Shockwave Grenade technique, he ended up with 600 of each material. The Shockwave Grenades are a recent addition to Fortnite and work like a super-charged version of the Impulse Grenade, with the added benefit of players not taking fall damage.

A glitch or intentional design?

It is unclear whether this strategy is a glitch or if Epic Games intended for the Shockwave Grenades to have this effect on the Supply Llamas. Ninja himself expressed his excitement, calling it “the coolest thing Epic has ever done” and hoping it was intentional. He even mentioned reaching out to Epic to confirm.

A rare and challenging strategy

The Shockwave Grenades are of Epic rarity, and Supply Llamas are extremely rare in the game, with only three appearing per match. This means that successfully executing this strategy will require the player to find both items, making it a challenge. However, if you manage to obtain the grenades and locate a Llama, the rewards and chance for a Victory Royale are worth the effort.