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Ninja looks back on the past year and revisits his initial Fortnite match

The Amazing Rise of Tyler “Ninja” Blevins in Esports

Tyler “Ninja” Blevins has experienced an incredible journey in the past year, going from a former professional player in Halo to becoming the face of Twitch and a worldwide star in Fortnite: Battle Royale.

A Look Back at Ninja’s First Fortnite Game

Ninja recently took some time to reflect on his path to success and decided to rewatch his very first game of Fortnite that he played on stream.

The video is not only hilarious but also showcases how much Ninja has improved over the past year, as well as the significant changes that have been made to Fortnite.

Ninja is almost speechless as he watches himself land at Greasy Grove and score a few kills on the original Fortnite map, which only had 10 named points-of-interest.

Even Ninja can’t help but laugh at himself as he watches the video. He is amazed at his past gaming style and mistakes, and he jokingly questions if he still plays like that.

Ninja’s Journey to Success

Ninja apologizes for his language during the video, as he realizes he was not family-friendly back then. He also reflects on the lack of donations and his smaller stream compared to his current massive following, which truly astounds him.

Interestingly, the video also highlights the absence of building in the gameplay, as it predates the Fortnite building meta. Ninja eventually gets eliminated by another player, “Rainslol,” in 14th place.

We can’t help but wonder if that player realizes the significance of defeating Ninja in that game.

Related: Ninja and Travis Scott star in a new Samsung Galaxy commercial

H/T Dexerto