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Ninja, DrLupo, and other Fortnite streamers show early prowess with the Explosive Bow

Fortnite’s Latest Content Update Introduces the Explosive Bow

Fortnite’s v8.20 Content Update brought an exciting new weapon that has already caught the attention of streamers and professional players: the Explosive Bow. Despite being released only a few hours ago, gamers have already started to master this weapon and showcase their impressive kills.

The Explosive Bow is a powerful Legendary explosive weapon that uses Shotgun Shells. It deals 15 damage upon impact and a whopping 100 explosion damage in the surrounding area. This means that players can eliminate opponents with a single shot if they have no shield. Although the explosion has a small area of effect, it is enough to take down an enemy standing near a wall hit by an arrow.

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One of the most popular Fortnite streamers, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, showcased his skill with the Explosive Bow by pulling off an impressive kill. After eliminating one opponent, he quickly picked up the Explosive Bow and soon spotted another enemy. Utilizing high ground advantage, Ninja landed a headshot and finished off his foe with the arrow’s explosion.

Not to be outdone, Ninja’s friend and fellow streamer Benjamin “DrLupo” Lupo also scored an impressive kill using the Explosive Bow. He skillfully shot an enemy player in a tree with a Heavy Sniper, causing them to fall. Just before his opponent hit the ground, DrLupo delivered a perfectly timed arrow shot to eliminate them.

Jimmy “HighDistortion” Moreno, known as the first Fortnite player to reach the 100,000 eliminations milestone, showcased the Explosive Bow as a game-finishing weapon. In a two-versus-one scenario, he first eliminated an opponent with his Assault Rifle. Then, building toward the downed opponent, HighDistortion spotted the second enemy below him and used the arrow’s explosion to secure the victory.

However, the most impressive play with the bow so far goes to Brett “dakotaz” Hoffman. During a Sniper Shootout match in Dusty Divot, dakotaz managed to secure four kills in less than a minute using a combination of body shots and arrow explosions.

These are just a few examples of the incredible plays already seen with the Explosive Bow. As professional players continue to experiment and find new ways to utilize this weapon, fans can expect even more mind-blowing moments in their favorite Fortnite matches.