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New Update in Fortnite: Wailing Woods reveals a fifth rune

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Strange Symbol Appears as Fortnite Cube Continues its Journey

The iconic giant purple cube in Fortnite: Battle Royale is back at it again, creating more mysterious symbols as it moves across the map.

Yesterday, the cube stopped in Wailing Woods and generated a fifth gravitational field. Today, before resuming its movement, it left yet another peculiar symbol on the ground.

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Rune five has been printed and the cube is moving once again! #Fortnite

Similar to the previous runes that appeared in Fortnite, this new symbol is also unique. The first gravitational field was formed near Fatal Fields on August 28, followed by the first rune being burnt into the ground the next day.

Since then, the cube has created gravitational fields near Greasy Grove, Salty Springs, and Retail Row, with the corresponding runes appearing the following day.

Related: Fortnite Cube Watch: New Gravity Field Discovered in Wailing Woods

Now, the cube is once again on the move, seemingly heading west towards Tomato Temple. Reddit users have done some impressive detective work, accurately predicting the locations of previous symbols. If they are correct again, the cube’s next destination will be south of Lazy Links.