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Marshmello music video discovered in Fortnite game files after 7.20 update

Fortnite Dataminers Discover Marshmello Music Video in Game Files

Fortnite dataminers have made an interesting discovery in the game files following Tuesday’s 7.20 update. Instead of finding new skins or in-game events, they stumbled upon a six-minute music video featuring electronic music producer Marshmello.

The Marshmello Music Video

The music video, uncovered by dataminer Lucas7Yoshi, includes several songs by Marshmello and showcases animations of his iconic helmet. The video is a compilation of Marshmello’s popular tracks.

Connection to Fortnite

Although it is unclear how the music video relates to Fortnite, Marshmello has a connection to the game. He has played with Fortnite star Tyler “Ninja” Blevins and the two won a charity event together. Additionally, Marshmello’s manager revealed that a collaboration between Marshmello and Fortnite is in the works and will be released in February.

Waiting for Answers

While the significance of the music video remains a mystery, it is apparent that it is not directly related to ongoing Fortnite events. As players eagerly await more information, they will likely have to wait until at least February to see what Marshmello and Fortnite have in store.