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How the latest update for Fortnite: Battle Royale transforms the game

Fortnite: Battle Royale’s 5.10 Update – How Will It Affect the Game?

The 5.10 update for Fortnite: Battle Royale has brought several significant changes that will greatly impact the game and its meta.

Epic Games has made adjustments to loot rates, material health, and has introduced a new weapon. This update is one of the largest in recent times, as it alters many key elements of the game.

New Weapon – The Compact SMG

The Compact SMG is the latest addition to the game’s arsenal, joining the Submachine Gun and Drum Gun. This weapon is already strong on its own, but it becomes even more potent with the changes to material health.

According to the patch notes, Epic has made changes to the building materials. Wood and Stone now have reduced starting and maximum health, while Metal receives a 100-point health boost. However, Epic has also nerfed the build time for Metal.

The impact of Submachine Guns on structures has already been significant, as they can tear through them quickly. With the addition of another SMG and the decrease in material health, players may be forced into more gunfights. This may not be ideal for players who value building strategies.

While it’s important to encourage more engagement and combat, there is a faction of players, especially in the competitive community, who believe that building should remain a priority. Building is one of the aspects that sets Fortnite apart from other games. Players are calling for increased harvesting rates, Supply Drop rates, or higher material health to enable more build battles.

To add to the frustration of these players, Wood and Stone will now be found less frequently in Supply Drops. Both materials’ loot rates have decreased, while Metal’s rate has almost doubled, making all three materials equally common.

This update’s changes to materials will likely discourage vertical building, unless players possess a considerable amount of Metal. Going higher increases the risk of being killed when an opponent destroys their structure. Submachine Guns and explosives are effective at quickly taking down walls, and the decrease in material health makes it even easier.

It remains uncertain whether the Submachine Gun or Compact SMG will emerge as the superior light ammo weapon, but both are expected to be formidable. Many players have adopted the Shotgun-SMG loadout, which allows for quick switching between two powerful weapons.

Players will need to adapt to the new meta until Epic addresses these changes. The community’s feedback and the impact of the Compact SMG and material adjustments are yet to be fully seen.