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Hidden audio files in Fortnite game reveal sounds of footsteps on snow

Snow Expected to Cover Fortnite Island Soon

The popular battle royale game, Fortnite, may soon see its island covered in snow. Twitter user FNBRLeaks discovered sound files related to snow inside the game folders. These files are tied to various sounds like walking, crouching, and landing on snow. This suggests that snowy terrain might be introduced in the game.

Video Shows Unheard Footstep Sounds

FNBRLeaks has released a video showcasing the footsteps sounds they found. Interestingly, these sounds are different from the ones heard in the Viking Village. It seems that these files have been in the game for almost a year but were never used.

A Winter Storm Approaching Fortnite Island?

Speculation is rife among players that a winter storm might be heading towards the Fortnite island. Some players have noticed a white cloud in the south, which could be a sign of the impending snowstorm. If this storm reaches the island, it could result in a blizzard, covering the map in snow and potentially changing the existing named locations.

Possible Season Finale Event

Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, often organizes special events at the end of each season. It is likely that players will learn more about the snow-related files and the white cloud at the end of the current season. If all goes as predicted, season six might conclude on December 6 with a snowstorm event, setting the stage for a snow-themed map and the holiday season in season seven.

Excitement Builds for a Snowy Season Seven