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Guide on Finding “Search between a Giant Rock Man, a Crowned Tomato, and an Encircled Tree” for Fortnite’s Season 7, Week 5 Challenge

Fortnite: Battle Royale Week 5 Challenge Guide

In week five of Fortnite: Battle Royale, players have an easy challenge available that rewards them with 10 Battle Stars. The challenge requires players to search for a specific location on the Fortnite island, between a Giant Rock Man, a Crowned Tomato, and an Encircled Tree.

Locating the Crowned Tomato

The only Crowned Tomato in Fortnite can be found at Tomato Temple. From there, players need to search for the Giant Rock Man and the Encircled Tree, which should be in the surrounding area near the tomato.

Locating the Battle Star

Between Tomato Temple and Wailing Woods, there is a rock statue surrounded by rocks. Southeast of Tomato Temple, players will find a tree encircled by rocks. These three points form a triangle where players can find the Battle Star for this challenge.

Fortnite Battle Star Location

The Battle Star hovers over a dry patch of grass, between two rocks and south of the bridge east of Tomato Temple. Interacting with the star will complete the challenge and reward players accordingly.