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Fortnite’s latest addition, The Baller, had been teased since the beginning of season 8

The Baller Teased in Fortnite Loading Screen

In a recent loading screen for Fortnite’s season eight, an upcoming vehicle called The Baller has been teased. The loading screen, which was shared by Reddit user xHW35x, shows a hamster ball-like object between two character skins. This teaser has players excited for what other surprises Epic Games might have hidden in the loading screens.

Possible Teasers for New Fortnite Weapons

According to some Reddit users, the loading screen also hints at potential weapons. The gun being held by the character Blackheart is believed to be a new type of revolver, while the bow and arrow held by the character Ember could be an improved version of the Crossbow. Players are eager to see if these speculations turn out to be true.

Hints at Future Fortnite Items

Aside from The Baller and the potential weapons, the loading screen also features other interesting objects. Sidewinder is shown holding the Buried Treasure map item, indicating that it may be added to the game soon. Additionally, there are a beaded necklace and a golden goblet with ruby eyes, suggesting that these items could also be coming in future updates.

Anticipation for The Baller’s Release

With the confirmation of The Baller in the loading screen, players are eagerly awaiting its release in Fortnite. As more game updates are announced, fans hope to uncover the full extent of the teasers hidden within the loading screens.