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Fortnite’s All Terrain Kart: Understanding, Gameplay Tips, and Locations

The All Terrain Kart: A New Addition to Fortnite

In the recent 5.0 update for Fortnite: Battle Royale, the highly-anticipated fifth season was launched, bringing with it a brand new vehicle called the All Terrain Kart.

The All Terrain Kart is a suped-up golf cart equipped with off-roading tires. This vehicle joined the previously introduced Shopping Cart and is found all over the map. It can fit four people in total and seems to be superior to the Shopping Carts in terms of durability and speed. However, it may be challenging to find one if you don’t know where to look.

Where to Find an All Terrain Kart

Fortnite doesn’t spawn vehicles in the exact same location every time. However, there are specific spots on the map that have a higher chance of spawning an All Terrain Kart. VG247 has listed some possible spawn spots, which include the following locations:

Flush Factory

Screengrab via Epic Games

You may find an All Terrain Kart northwest of Flush Factory, in the nearby parking lot.

Lazy Links

Screengrab via Epic Games

Screengrab via Epic Games

If you want to hang out, relax, and play some golf with your friends, Lazy Links is a great place to use the All Terrain Kart. Look for an ATK close to the northeast pond and southwest garage.

Paradise Palms

Screengrab via Epic Games

With its dry and somewhat rocky terrain, Paradise Palms is an ideal location for using the All Terrain Kart. Check northeast of the skyscraper to find the vehicle.


Screengrab via Epic Games

Screengrab via Epic Games

If you’re looking for a place to race against friends and foes, the racetrack near Paradise Palms is perfect. You can find ATKs near the northern car showroom, on the back of a truck in the parking lot, and in the garage of one of the buildings.

Snobby Shores

Screengrab via Epic Games

Screengrab via Epic Games

Screengrab via Epic Games

Screengrab via Epic Games

In front of the southern-most house at Snobby Shores, you may discover an ATK near the gate. Additional vehicles have also been found around this area, including in the garage of one of the houses, in front of another house, and behind the second house.

How to Use the All Terrain Kart

Screengrab via Epic Games

The All Terrain Kart has a few more controls compared to the Shopping Cart. To enter the vehicle, press the interact key or button. Once inside, use the button you use to fire weapons (on console) to drive the ATK. Press your aim-down-sight button to brake or reverse, and use your right analog (on console) or left-ctrl (on PC) to switch seats within the vehicle. To exit the vehicle, press the same key or button you used to enter.

The All Terrain Kart also has the added feature of powersliding, which allows you to drift the cart for quick turns, escaping enemies, or just having fun. PC players can use the space key, while console players can use the left bumper button to powerslide.

Although the All Terrain Kart is a hit among fans, it is important to note the concerns regarding the issues seen with the Shopping Cart. As the All Terrain Karts continue to be a part of Fortnite: Battle Royale, both fans and the development team at Epic Games should address any potential issues.

H/T VGR247