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Fortnite World Cup Qualifiers raise allegations of cheating against player Dubs fn

Fortnite Player Accused of Cheating in World Cup Finals

Players have reported that a Fortnite: Battle Royale player, who has qualified for the World Cup Finals, has been accused of cheating during the competition.

Dubs fn, ranked second in the North America East qualifiers, allegedly had a conversation with a cheat provider on Discord. Other professional players shared the conversation, revealing a user named RDubs (believed to be Dubs fn) saying that the cheat is “lethal” and looks legit. This conversation occurred nearly a month before the World Cup Qualifiers.

Recorded Video Raises Further Suspicions

In addition, another player has recorded a video of Dubs fn playing in the qualifiers, hitting shots in a way that seems impossible. The video can be viewed here.

Past Discord Nickname Adds to Evidence

The cheat provider, Aspect Dolphin, claims that RDubs was a name Dubs fn used in the past. This suggests that the conversation between him and the cheat provider is legitimate. The provider asked Dubs fn to keep the cheating discrete due to recent suspicions from other players. However, there are no direct references to the World Cup or his current nickname, “Dubs fn”.

Dubs fn Defends Himself

Dubs fn took to Twitter to defend himself against the accusations. He stated, “I’m not cheating,” and expressed his willingness to stream future solo qualifiers to prove his innocence.

The format of online qualifiers for big events like the Fortnite World Cup allows room for potential cheating. With matches taking place simultaneously and players competing from their own homes, there is little supervision or control over their setup or gaming environment. Skillful cheaters who can avoid detection with undetectable software have an advantage over honest competitors.

Currently, the evidence against Dubs fn consists mainly of online messages and a few short videos. Discord nicknames are not unique, but the cheat provider’s name is clear in all the screenshots. No other evidence of the alleged cheating has been provided. Some players believe that Dubs fn is being framed and that the accusations are false.

All replays of the Fortnite World Cup Open Qualifiers that Dubs fn participated in are available on Reddit. This allows other players to review the games from his perspective and determine if anything suspicious occurred. Epic Games is likely conducting an investigation as well.

If Dubs fn is found guilty of cheating, he will be disqualified from the tournament, and his spot may be given to the seventh place player in the North America East qualifier, EnVy LeNain.

AspectDolphin has shared a response from Epic Games about a list of players he allegedly sold cheats to. The company states they are conducting a thorough investigation into the matter but cannot provide details on the actions they will take based on the report.

Epic Games emphasizes the importance of integrity in Fortnite competition and states that they actively monitor competitions for cheating. They subject all winners to additional monitoring and conduct thorough investigations for any World Cup Qualifying players.