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Fortnite Holds a Special Place for Sentinels’ Aspect, Connecting Families

Nicholas “Aspect” McGuire’s Journey to Becoming a Professional Fortnite Player

In the summer, Nicholas McGuire had a goal to become a professional Fortnite player before school started again. Despite being 15 and unable to compete in official tournaments, Nicholas played the game for hours each day and earned a reputation among top players. His dedication paid off when he was signed by Sentinels, the organization managing the Los Angeles Gladiators in the Overwatch League. Since then, Nicholas has won over $56,000 in prize money, making him one of the youngest and most successful Fortnite players.

The Positive Side of Fortnite

Fortnite has been criticized for its addictive nature and potential harm to children. However, the game offers more than just mindless screen time. Players develop communication, coordination, and team-building skills. Bonnie McGuire, Nicholas’ mother, recognizes the value in her son’s commitment to the game, comparing it to any other traditional activity.

The Challenges and Rewards of a Fortnite Pro

Being a professional Fortnite player comes with its own set of challenges. Nicholas now attends online school to accommodate his practice schedule and travel commitments. His family understands the demands of the esports industry and supports him in his journey. Bonnie admits to feeling nervous while watching Nicholas compete, but she takes pride in his achievements.

The Future of Fortnite Esports

Nicholas’ success is just the beginning for Fortnite as an esport. With a growing competitive scene and a $100 million prize pool, the game offers plenty of opportunities for aspiring players. World Cup qualifiers are set to begin in 2019, and Fortnite tournaments will take place worldwide. Nicholas and his team are prepared to take on the challenges ahead and continue to excel in the game they love.