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Final Standings of the July 21 Fortnite Summer Skirmish Tournament

German Player Kamo Takes Home $60,000 Grand Prize in Fortnite Summer Skirmish Solo Competition

In the final part of the Fortnite: Battle Royale Summer Skirmish’s second week, German player Kamo from Team Prismatic emerged as the winner of the $500,000 European Solo competition.

Kamo secured the title and the grand prize of $60,000 by accumulating the highest number of points among all the competitors. With a total of 174 points, he narrowly beat Supremacy’s Vato, who scored 172 points in 10 games.

Related: Team Prismatic’s Kamo tops European $500,000 Solo Fortnite Summer Skirmish tournament

While the players in the top 20 will receive the biggest portions of the prize pool, each competitor within the top 20 walked away with a minimum of $6,000. Additionally, the player with the most kills in the tournament earned a $50,000 bonus.

Final Placings for the July 21 Summer Skirmish Series Tournament

  1. Kamo
  2. Vato
  3. Teekzie
  4. TheVic
  5. Artur “7ssk7” Kyourshin
  6. Nems
  7. Boyer
  8. Nyxx
  9. Fateu
  10. FiveSkill
  11. James “mzQQQ” Paumard
  12. Yukes
  13. Mitr0
  14. RazZzero0o
  15. M11Z
  16. Script
  17. Martoz
  18. Riverboat
  19. Duong “Kinstaar” Huyh
  20. Johan “Ettnix” Bengtsson