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Epic Games’ Team Rumble undergoes changes after v8.30 update

Epic Games Releases Hotfix for Fortnite’s Team Rumble Game Mode

Epic Games has released a hotfix for the Team Rumble game mode in Fortnite, following the release of patch notes for the v8.30 update. This hotfix includes changes to the game’s structure, as well as weapon and loot spawns.

Team Rumble: A Limited Time Game Mode

Team Rumble is a battle royale limited time game mode that was originally released with the 6.31 update patch. In this mode, two teams of 20 players each battle against each other with the objective of reaching a certain number of eliminations first to win the game.

Changes in the Hotfix

In today’s hotfix, Epic Games has increased the number of eliminations needed to win a match from 100 to 150. The size of the final circle’s radius has also been reduced to encourage more interaction in the late game. Additionally, the first circle’s duration has decreased by a minute to facilitate more fighting in the early stages of the game.

Looting has also been adjusted in the hotfix. Loot in chests and on the floor has increased from 80-90% to 100%. The chance of finding an assault rifle in chests has increased by 67%, while the spawn rate of suppressed pistols has decreased.

Changes in Supply Drops

Supply drops in Team Rumble now drop two legendary weapons and additional consumables. The chance of finding a compact SMG or shotgun in supply drops has increased by 50%, while the chance of finding rocket launchers has decreased by 67%.

Related: Fortnite’s v8.30 update patch notes

Find the Full List of Changes on Epic’s Official Website

Fortnite fans can find the full list of today’s changes on Epic’s official website. Visit here to see the complete list.