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A Massive Ice Sphere Hovers above Polar Peak in Fortnite

A Mysterious Sphere Appears in Fortnite: Battle Royale

In the latest update of Fortnite: Battle Royale, players were greeted with a surprising sight – a gigantic blue sphere floating above Polar Peak. This sphere emits a beam of light towards an ice block that used to hold the Infinity Blade. The appearance of the sphere has sparked speculation among players about its significance.

Curiosity Surrounding the Sphere

Approaching the sphere, players can hear a peculiar sound that resembles a mix of a groan and a storm. The sphere seems to muffle these sounds, indicating that something is trapped or locked inside it. Cross through the sphere, and the player’s screen freezes and becomes crystallized, as shown in the accompanying GIF.

Melting Ice and Dragon Eggs

In addition to the sphere, more ice has melted beneath the castle in Polar Peak. Some previously inaccessible cells are now open, but there are still areas covered in massive ice blocks that have yet to thaw. This melting ice, combined with the mysterious sounds from the sphere, has sparked theories about dragon eggs leaking into the game.

Season Finale Speculations

As players approach week seven of the season, they eagerly anticipate further events linked to the sphere and the grand season finale expected around Feb. 28. However, what exactly lies in store for Fortnite players remains unknown.