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Twitch reinforces support for Smash at Apex

Smash Bros. Apex 2015 Sets New Streaming Records on Twitch

Super Smash Bros. Apex 2015, the biggest fighting game competition for the Super Smash Bros. franchise, just made history by setting new streaming records on Twitch. The event took place in Somerset, New Jersey and saw over 1,000 players compete in the tournament.

Record-Breaking Numbers on Twitch

The championship, which was streamed on Twitch from January 30th to February 1st, attracted a massive global audience. Viewers tuned in to watch the intense battles between some of the world’s best Smash Bros. players. The streaming numbers for this event were off the charts, with over 200,000 viewers at its peak.

Highlighting the Importance of Apex for the Smash Bros. Community

Smash Bros. Apex is known for being a major tournament, and this year was no exception. It brought together top players from around the world, showcasing the high level of skill and competitive spirit within the Smash Bros. community.

Twitch as the Ultimate Streaming Platform for Esports

This incredible success on Twitch further solidifies its position as the go-to streaming platform for esports events. With its user-friendly interface and wide reach, Twitch continues to attract millions of viewers, providing esports fans with a seamless way to watch their favorite competitions.

Overall, Smash Bros. Apex 2015 has proven to be a landmark event for both the Smash Bros. community and the esports industry as a whole. The record-breaking streaming numbers on Twitch underscore the growing popularity of competitive gaming and highlight the importance of platforms like Twitch in bringing esports to a global audience.