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Tekken 8 Might Introduce Guest Characters Upon Release, But They Are Not the Main Focus

Tekken 8 Might Feature Guest Characters Upon Release, but They Won’t Be a Main Focus

The developers behind Tekken 8 have hinted at the possibility of including guest characters when the game launches. However, they have made it clear that the focus will primarily be on the Tekken roster.

In a recent interview, Katsuhiro Harada, the series’ producer, revealed that guest characters are being considered for Tekken 8. This news comes as no surprise since previous installments of the game featured guest characters from different franchises, such as Street Fighter’s Akuma and Final Fantasy’s Noctis.

While guest characters add excitement and variety to the game, Harada emphasized that they will not be the main attraction in Tekken 8. The priority will remain on the core Tekken roster and creating a balanced and engaging gameplay experience for fans.

Including guest characters is a way for the development team to collaborate with other franchises and engage a wider audience. It allows them to introduce new and unique gameplay mechanics, appealing to fans of other franchises who may not have previously been interested in Tekken.

However, it’s important to note that guest characters require a considerable amount of time and effort to develop. This can potentially distract from the main focus of creating a strong Tekken cast. Balancing and integrating guest characters into the game while maintaining the integrity of the Tekken series is no easy task.

Additionally, Harada mentioned that the team is currently focused on improving the game’s online functionality and overall gameplay experience. This indicates that ensuring a polished and enjoyable Tekken experience for players is their top priority.

In conclusion, while Tekken 8 might include guest characters upon release, they will not be the primary focus of the game. The Tekken roster and delivering a high-quality gameplay experience will take precedence, as the development team strives to create an engaging and balanced fighting game.