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Taiwanese man apprehended for distributing 6,000 counterfeit Super Smash Bros. amiibo cards

Taiwanese Man Arrested for Selling Counterfeit Smash Bros Amiibo Cards

A Taiwanese man has been apprehended for allegedly selling fake Amiibo cards for popular fighting game, Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The suspect was caught after an investigation conducted by local authorities, who discovered the illegal operation being run by the individual.

It is reported that the man was manufacturing and selling counterfeit Amiibo cards, which are collectible cards that can be used with the Nintendo Switch gaming console. These cards provide players with special in-game content, including unique costumes and abilities for their characters.

The suspect was selling his counterfeit cards at a significantly lower price than the genuine ones, fooling unsuspecting buyers into thinking they were purchasing legitimate products. The investigation revealed that the man had been operating his illegal business for quite some time, resulting in a considerable amount of profit.

Authorities seized a large number of fake Amiibo cards, as well as the equipment used for their production during a raid on the suspect’s residence. The man confessed to his crimes and is now facing charges for trademark infringement and fraud.

Counterfeit gaming merchandise has become a prevalent issue in the esports and gaming industry. Players and collectors must be cautious when purchasing items online to avoid falling victim to scams. This incident serves as a reminder for individuals to only buy from reputable sources and to be aware of the signs of counterfeiting.

The Impact on the Esports Community

Counterfeit merchandise not only affects individual players and collectors, but it also has a negative impact on the esports community as a whole. In the case of fake Amiibo cards, it undermines the integrity of the competitive scene by providing players with unfair advantages through counterfeit in-game content.

In addition, these illegal activities harm the reputation of genuine merchandise sellers and the overall trust within the community. It is crucial for esports fans to support licensed and authorized retailers to ensure the growth and sustainability of the industry.

Legal Actions and Preventive Measures

Authorities worldwide are increasingly cracking down on counterfeit operations in the gaming industry. This particular arrest in Taiwan highlights the seriousness with which such illegal activities are being treated. These legal actions aim to protect consumers, uphold the rights of intellectual property owners, and maintain a fair gaming environment for all.

To prevent falling victim to counterfeit scams, it is essential for players and collectors to educate themselves on the legitimate forms of merchandise and their unique identifiers. Conducting thorough research and purchasing from authorized retailers or official online platforms are effective preventive measures.


The arrest of the Taiwanese man involved in the sale of counterfeit Smash Bros Amiibo cards sheds light on the ongoing struggle against counterfeit merchandise in the gaming industry. This incident serves as a reminder for players and collectors to be vigilant while making purchases and to support legitimate sources. By taking these precautions, we can help maintain the integrity of the esports community and ensure a fair playing field for all.