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Smash Ultimate Players Discover New Wavedashing Technique for Steve

New Steve Technique Allows Wavedashing in Smash Ultimate

Steve, the Minecraft protagonist, has recently encountered a groundbreaking technique that allows him to perform wavedashing in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

What is Wavedashing?

Wavedashing is a movement technique that has been prevalent in the competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee scene for years. Players execute this technique by jumping, then immediately air dodging towards the ground at an angle. As a result, characters can swiftly slide across the stage, enabling them to approach opponents or create distance effectively.

Steve’s Innovative Discovery

The new discovery came about when players experimenting with Steve’s moveset noticed his ability to perform wavedashing-like movements. By placing blocks and utilizing Steve’s crafting abilities, players can create blocks in midair. Importantly, when Steve interacts with these blocks and air dodges simultaneously, he achieves a similar sliding movement akin to wavedashing.

This newfound technique opens up unique opportunities for Steve players to enhance their gameplay. They can now employ wavedashing techniques to surprise opponents, improve their spacing, and execute advanced strategies.

Impact on Competitive Play

With this exciting revelation, the inclusion of wavedashing in Steve’s repertoire is expected to greatly impact competitive play in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Players will need to adapt their strategies and learn how to counter this new technique.

Having Steve, a newcomer to the Super Smash Bros. series, possess such an advanced movement option showcases the depth and flexibility of the game’s mechanics. It highlights the continuous evolution of the competitive scene and encourages players to explore innovative ways to push the boundaries of each character’s abilities.

By incorporating wavedashing into Steve’s playstyle, the balance of power in tournaments may undergo significant transformations. Steve enthusiasts will eagerly watch how his newfound technique influences the competitive landscape and how other players respond to this new gameplay aspect.

The introduction of this technique amplifies the excitement and anticipation surrounding Steve’s inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Players can look forward to discovering further hidden techniques with Steve and exploring the full potential of this unlikely newcomer.