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Smash Bros. Ultimate Director Masahiro Sakurai Set to Work on DLC from Home Remotely

Smash Bros Ultimate Director Masahiro Sakurai to Work on DLC Remotely from Home

Masahiro Sakurai

The esteemed director of Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Masahiro Sakurai, will continue his work on upcoming DLC content from the comfort of his home. This decision comes as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many professionals worldwide to adapt to remote work.

Despite the challenges posed by the current situation, Sakurai is dedicated to providing exceptional new content for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Working remotely allows him to maintain productivity while prioritizing his health and safety.

The decision to work from home is a testament to Sakurai’s commitment to the competitive gaming community. By ensuring a seamless transition for his workflow, he can continue to deliver high-quality DLC without compromising on his creative vision.

Transitioning to remote work has become a necessity in various industries, including esports. It allows professionals to fulfill their responsibilities while minimizing the risk of exposure to the virus. Sakurai’s decision sets a positive example for other game developers and industry leaders, emphasizing the importance of adapting in these challenging times.

With technology enabling remote work capabilities, Sakurai can stay connected with his team, ensuring efficient collaboration and communication throughout the development process. This seamless integration facilitates the timely release of new downloadable content for Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

In summary, Masahiro Sakurai’s dedication to his craft and commitment to the gaming community shines through as he adapts to remote work. This decision guarantees the continuation of top-notch DLC development for Super Smash Bros Ultimate while safeguarding the well-being of the director and his team.