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Nintendo’s new guidelines cover older games, however, Smash Melee remains at risk.

Nintendo’s New Guidelines Include Older Games, but Smash Melee Still at Risk

Nintendo has recently updated its guidelines for competitive games, sparking concerns within the Super Smash Bros. Melee community. While the new guidelines do allow for older titles to be featured in esports tournaments, concerns remain regarding the future of Melee, one of the competitive scene’s most beloved games.

The updated guidelines, released on September 29th, state that Nintendo will only support tournaments featuring games that have received an official “Nintendo License.” While this may not seem problematic at first glance, the issue arises when considering that Melee was released in 2001 and does not have a license due to its age. This puts the future of competitive Melee in jeopardy.

Although Nintendo’s guidelines state that “tournaments that were supported by Nintendo in the past, but are not eligible under these new guidelines, may still proceed if they operate on ‘net sales’ basis,” it does little to alleviate the concerns of the Melee community. This exception implies that tournaments can only continue with prior authorization from Nintendo and will be subject to their terms and conditions.

It is important to note that the guidelines seem to focus on games that are currently being published and supported by Nintendo. This hints at the company’s desire to prioritize its newer titles and potentially disregard the older ones. This leaves the competitive Melee scene, which has become a staple of the fighting game community, uncertain about its future.

The uncertainties surrounding Smash Melee’s competitive future have led to an outpouring of support from both players and fans. Many have taken to social media platforms to voice their concerns and encourage Nintendo to reconsider its stance. They argue that Melee, with its rich history and passionate community, deserves to continue being a part of the esports landscape.

Regrettably, Nintendo’s decision has gained criticism from both the community and the wider esports world. Competitors and organizers alike now face the daunting task of either adapting to the new guidelines or finding alternatives to keep the Melee competitive scene alive.

In conclusion, while Nintendo’s updated guidelines do include provisions for older games in esports tournaments, the future of Super Smash Bros. Melee remains uncertain. The community’s concern for the beloved game’s competitive future has sparked discussions and calls for reconsideration. Only time will tell if Nintendo will address these concerns and ensure the continued presence of Melee in the esports scene.