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New Nintendo Switch ad reveals leaked Stage Builder mode in Smash Ultimate

New Nintendo Switch ad leaks details on Smash Ultimate’s updated stage builder mode

A leaked Nintendo Switch ad has spilled some exciting details about an upcoming feature in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The leaked ad showcases an updated stage builder mode, offering players even more creative freedom to design and share their own custom stages.

The leaked ad reveals that the stage builder mode has received a major overhaul, introducing new tools and options for players to create unique and personalized stages. This enhanced mode allows players to manipulate terrain, place platforms and hazards, and customize the overall look and feel of their stages.

One of the standout features of the new stage builder mode is the ability to draw completely custom shapes for the terrain. Players will have the freedom to shape their stages in any way they desire, whether it’s a platform floating in mid-air or a spiral staircase leading to the final boss.

In addition to the shape customization, players will also be able to choose from a wide variety of stage elements and hazards to incorporate into their creations. From moving platforms and lava pits to rotating spikes and explosive barrels, the possibilities for creating unique and challenging stages are endless.

Once players have designed and built their custom stages, they can share them with friends and battle it out on these personalized battlegrounds. The ad highlights the ease of sharing stages via the Nintendo Switch Online service, allowing players to upload and download stages created by others from around the world.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has already proven to be a popular title within the competitive gaming community, and the addition of an updated stage builder mode is sure to further enhance the game’s appeal. Players can now look forward to showcasing their creativity and challenging their friends on stages that are unlike anything seen before in the game.

In conclusion, the leaked Nintendo Switch ad provides a sneak peek into the updated stage builder mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. With new tools and customization options, players can create and share their own unique stages, adding a fresh and exciting element to the game. So get ready to unleash your creativity and battle it out on unrivaled stages in the world of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.