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NASB2 player uncovers Plankton mechanic reminiscent of Smash’s wobble

The NASB2 player uncovers a plankton mechanic that resembles Smash’s wobble

A player in NASB2 has made an interesting discovery in the game mechanics. They have found a mechanic that is similar to the wobble technique in Super Smash Bros.

The NASB2 player stumbled upon this mechanic while exploring different strategies and techniques in the game. They found that it involves trapping the opponent in a repeating sequence of moves, rendering them unable to escape or counter-attack.

This technique, dubbed the plankton mechanic, demonstrates similarities to the wobble technique popularized in the Super Smash Bros. community. In both cases, the player is able to continuously hit their opponent without giving them an opportunity to retaliate.

The NASB2 player has started to incorporate this technique into their gameplay with great success. They are able to consistently lock their opponents in a loop of moves, leading to victories in matches.

The discovery of this plankton mechanic adds another layer of depth to the gameplay in NASB2. Players can now explore different strategies and incorporate this technique into their own gameplay.

With this new mechanic, the NASB2 community can anticipate a shift in the competitive metagame. Players will need to adapt and find ways to counter or avoid falling victim to this plankton mechanic.

In conclusion, the NASB2 player’s discovery of the plankton mechanic brings excitement to the community. This technique, reminiscent of Smash’s wobble, gives players a new tool to employ in their gameplay, adding more variety and complexity to the competitive scene.