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Nairo gets YouTube copyright strike due to gambling in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Nairo receives YouTube copyright strike for betting in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Professional Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player, Nairoby “Nairo” Quezada, recently received a copyright strike on his YouTube channel due to a video discussing betting during a tournament. The strike was issued by YouTube for violating the platform’s policies on gambling content. As a result, Nairo’s channel is currently unable to livestream for a three-month period.

Violation of YouTube’s policies

The copyright strike occurred after Nairo uploaded a video discussing gambling activities during a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament. In the video, Nairo allegedly engages in betting activities, which goes against YouTube’s policy on gambling content. As a result, his video was flagged and he received a copyright strike.

Consequences for Nairo

The YouTube copyright strike carries significant consequences for Nairo and his channel. As a result of the strike, he is unable to livestream on his channel for a period of three months. This restriction affects his ability to interact with his audience and share live content during this time. Nairo will need to adhere to YouTube’s policies in order to regain the livestreaming functionality on his channel.

Importance of adhering to YouTube’s policies

This incident highlights the importance of content creators, especially those in the esports community, adhering to the policies set by platforms like YouTube. Violating these policies can result in consequences such as copyright strikes, which not only limit a creator’s ability to engage with their audience but also have potential long-term impacts on their brand and online presence. It is crucial for content creators to be mindful of the guidelines and policies of the platforms they use to avoid any issues that could harm their online presence.