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Hungrybox’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate playtime is nearly eight times longer than Melee since April 2020.

Hungrybox Shifts Focus to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Playing Eight Times More than Melee Since April 2020

Top-ranked professional Super Smash Bros. player Hungrybox has realigned his focus towards the latest installment in the series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Since April 2020, he has dedicated significantly more time to playing Ultimate, nearly eight times the amount he has spent on its predecessor, Melee.

Shifting Priorities

Hungrybox, a renowned figure in the fighting game community, has made a strategic decision to shift his competitive attention primarily to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This move has seen a remarkable increase in his amount of gameplay within the newer game, leaving the previous installment, Melee, in the background.

A Substantial Increase

Since April 2020, Hungrybox has amassed an impressive amount of playtime in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, surpassing his engagement with Melee by almost eightfold. This substantial increase showcases his commitment to adapting and excelling in the latest title of the franchise.

A Strategic Move

Hungrybox’s decision to dedicate the majority of his efforts to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate reflects his understanding of the evolving competitive landscape. By focusing on the latest game, he positions himself to maximize his potential for success and maintain his position among the top players in the Super Smash Bros. community.