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How to Master Joker in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

How to Play Joker in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Joker has become one of the most popular characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and for good reason. His unique gameplay mechanics and stylish moves make him a formidable fighter. If you’re looking to master Joker, here are some tips to get you started.

Understanding Joker’s Moveset

Joker’s moveset is centered around his Persona, Arsene, which grants him enhanced abilities. Utilizing these moves effectively is key to maximizing Joker’s potential.

Neutral Special: Gun – Joker’s gun can be charged and fired at different angles, creating a useful zoning tool. Use it to keep opponents at bay and create opportunities for follow-up attacks.

Side Special: Eiha – Eiha is a dark projectile that damages opponents over time. It can be a great tool for pressuring opponents and disrupting their flow.

Up Special: Grappling Hook – Joker’s grappling hook allows him to recover quickly and can catch opponents off guard. Use it wisely to mix up your recovery options and punish opponents who try to edgeguard you.

Down Special: Rebel’s Guard – Rebel’s Guard is Joker’s counter, which not only protects him from damage but also charges his Rebellion Gauge. Timing is crucial with this move, as a successful counter will unleash powerful attacks with Arsene.

Utilizing Arsene’s Power

When Joker’s Rebellion Gauge is full, Arsene comes out and significantly enhances Joker’s abilities. Here are some ways to make the most of Arsene:

Increased Damage – Arsene boosts Joker’s damage output, making his attacks hit harder. Focus on landing strong attacks to maximize the damage and knockback.

New Moves – With Arsene, Joker gains access to new moves, such as Wings of Rebellion (his new up special). Experiment with these moves to surprise your opponents and keep them on their toes.

Mastering Joker’s Playstyle

To excel with Joker, it’s important to adapt a hit-and-run playstyle. Joker is an agile character, capable of quickly closing gaps and dealing damage. Here are some tips for mastering his playstyle:

Combos – Joker has several combo options that can deal massive damage. Practice and master these combos to effectively punish opponents and rack up damage quickly.

Edgeguarding – Joker’s grappling hook and aerial mobility make him a formidable edgeguarder. Use his tools to intercept opponents trying to recover and secure early KOs.

Mind Games – Joker’s versatility allows for mind games and mix-ups. Utilize his different moves and play unpredictably to keep opponents guessing and off balance.

Remember, mastering Joker takes practice and experimentation. Experiment with different strategies, learn from your mistakes, and adapt your playstyle accordingly. With time and dedication, you can become a formidable Joker player in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.